The Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) for Special Olympics is the movement's largest grass-roots fundraising and public awareness vehicle designed to allow members of the law enforcement community including military and first responders, the opportunity to support Special Olympics athletes who live, work and compete in their local communities.


At its most basic level the Torch Run is an actual running event in which officers and athletes run the Flame of Hope™ to the Opening Ceremonies of local Special Olympics competitions and State, National, and World Games. Annually, more than 91,000 dedicated, compassionate, volunteer law enforcement officers participate in the torch run throughout 46 nations, 12 Canadian provinces and all 50 US states, raising more than $1 Billion since its inception in 1981. The LETR movement made its way to Vermont in 1984.
The annual Law Enforcement Torch Run is the flagship fundraising and awareness event of the year. Torches begin in each corner of the state and are carried, mile by mile, by law enforcement and public service professionals toward Burlington, Vermont. Once in the Burlington area, participants join together for the LETR Final Leg, where torches are carried to University of Vermont for Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games opening ceremonies.
Today, law enforcement and public service personnel from more than fifty departments support Special Olympics Vermont athletes by taking part in the Torch Run, draping medals at state competitions, and raising funds through Torch Run t-Shirt sales and various LETR events each year.
2025 Law Enforcement Torch Run T-Shirts Are Coming Soon!
Questions about T-Shirt Sales?
Please contact LETR Liaison, Harry Conn - hconn@vtso.org;
(802) 861-0278.
The Law Enforcement Torch Run Council is the advisory committee for LETR activity and strategy in Vermont. Council members are elected to serve 3-year, renewable terms. The Council is led by Co-Directors who are elected to 2-year renewable terms.
Executive Council
South Burlington Police Deptartment
Board of Directors
Middlebury Police Department (Ret.)
New England Police Benevolent Association
Council Members
Vermont Department of Corrections
Williston Police Department
Vermont State Police
Vermont Department of Corrections
Windsor Police Department
Vermont State Police